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The November Records

November 12th, [XXXX] 


Fifth entry. My bosses and I have settled on doing these records twice a month, in order to maximize efficiency. I am okay with this.  


  In the past week we have received several new patients. Various injuries, some worse than others. Other doctors have been focusing more on these patients, so I’ve decided to devote most of my time to Ms. [XXXXX]. Most of the staff here seem to have left her alone at this point, I am the only one checking in on her daily. Of course, other than her father. 


  The father has stopped sleeping here, but he still comes in daily. I still haven’t really gotten him to talk, but we’ve developed a rapport with each other. I bring him coffee, he asks me if anything has changed, I tell him no. Don't want to lie to him. He’s become increasingly persistent since the seizure incident, even after I insist that it is normal for comatose patients to go through something of similar symptoms.  


  I am curious about Ms. [XXXXX]. Her coma symptoms seem outwardly normal, but she is registering a high amount of brain activity. There just seems to be a slight disconnect between her mind and her body at the moment. This is again normal. What’s most curious is her brain activity isn’t reading like a coma victim, but that of someone in REM sleep. Someone dreaming. That isn’t supposed to happen. 



November 23rd, [XXXX] 


  Sixth entry. Today Ms. [XXXXX] had another seizure. Her one-month anniversary being in the hospital. Her father was here at the time, but I quickly escorted him out of the room. He didn’t fight, but I could tell he was panicked. Possibly in shock. His eyes never left the patient. 


  Quickly, we worked to sedate her and tighten the straps. This time her convulsions did not stop on their own, and her heart rate was quickening far beyond normal. She was verbal, uttering jumbled phrases and mismatched words. I didn’t have the ability to make out more than a handful of gibberish, but the words “mom” and “dad” seemed to be repeated several times. After an administer of sedative, she stopped convulsing and her heart rate returned to normal. I was afraid that she wouldn’t be able to take too many of these epileptic attacks, if they continued like this.   


  After we were sure she was stable, we let the father back into the room and explained the situation to him. He wasn’t angry, just relieved to see she was okay. Before I left the room, I told him what I had heard her say. His face instantly flushed, and I could tell I had just dropped a weight on to his shoulders. There was something about the mother that I didn’t know.  

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