Pandora's World
by Alex Price
Sometimes I wonder about Pandora
and what she felt
opening her box of evils
Watching the world suffer from
Death, disease, famine
Despair, hatred, cruelty
Is she mournful?
Regretful, even
maybe depressed?
Doomed to suffer the same fate
as those she sentenced
it seems
There is no going back though
Her world is suffering
Maybe we can take solace
in that we are all in this
They have sprung forth from Pandora's Box
and now we are bound to Pandora's World
But as the story goes
hope never left the box
I wonder why
Maybe it was too frightened
after all
it has spent the longest
with the evils we now face
So I say
It's alright, little hope
You can come out now
We will hold you close
cherish you
protect you
love you
And like we always have
we will brave the calamities
of Pandora's cruel world