Free Write
by Alex Price
This is a free write
I guess inherent in that is the idea that writing is freeing
Or maybe it’s not meant to be read that way
Who knows
What should I choose to say
When given the power to say it
Does it matter what I say
If no one will even hear it
That rhymed
Well actually it was the same word
But this is a start
Of something
Think about my prose
Think about my diction
Think about not what I am going to say
But how I am going to say it
On and on the thinking goes
Endless thinking
Not as much doing
This is pointless
But not everything has to have a point
Spheres do fine
Comfortable pillows with cat faces on them
Points can be biting
They can be edgy
Kind of like this poem
So maybe it is kind of the point
To not have one
As much as I would like it to be
This free write is finite
There’s no way to say everything
I am trying to say
But I guess there will never be an ending
Never be over
The smooth point will never be made
It is a cat chasing a ball of yarn
Dog chasing its tail
Writer chasing
Creative nirvana?
Does that exist
So maybe this does validate my point
To not have a point
To keep going
To keep writing
To keep creating
To keep thinking
To keep doing
Not to reach the end point
Because at the end of every point
Is something sharp
And no one wants to get hurt